Monthly Archives: October 2006

The Wednesday night Hamsexy Net is back !

The Hamsexy Net is back!     The net will begin at 9pm Eastern time, 6pm Pacific Wednesday on IRLP Reflector 9008 and Echolink conference *VAN-IRLP*. Net control will be Bob K3BM, and our topic of the evening is whored right from … Continue reading

Posted in Hamsexyness! | 5 Comments


Friend of the site Rusty WB4BSD has just joined the elite group of Hamsexy members who are also members of the thin, blue line – having just graduated from Police Academy. Rusty recently left the tightly-constrained monotony of the US … Continue reading

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Monster Mobile!!

Earl N4ZFA sent us some photos of the N4OFA VHF/UHF Monster-mobile at the Sevierville TEN-TEC hamfest. Having an antenna that size takes SERIOUS committment…… That’s all I’ll say.

Posted in Hamsexyness!, Vehicular Reviews | 5 Comments

Hamsexy net 10-11-2006

Due to an attack, in which anyone who attempted to perform net control was muted, the net could not be held this week. I was able to accept 5 checkins before everything collapsed: VE6PWT Rob Calgary, AB KE4NOY Matt Murfreesboro, … Continue reading

Posted in Hamsexy Net | 2 Comments

Hamsexy Net Tonight!~!

The Hamsexy Net is tonight!! The net will begin at 9pm Eastern time, 6pm Pacific on IRLP Reflector 9008 and Echolink conference *VAN-IRLP*. Net control will be Joe KD8ATU, who should have been writing this notice, but I’m a nice … Continue reading

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CQ Hamsexy on Mt.Washington

Todd (KB3CGS), Dave (N3EJT), John (KA3LAO), and John’s dog Circe are making a run to the summit of Mt.Washington Sunday.  They’ll be on the air on 144.200ish and 432.100ish from around noon to 4pm.  Bonus points to someone if they can … Continue reading

Posted in Hamsexyness! | 2 Comments

The Ham Band

This is an oldie but goodie…. Covert RRN sent us this classic video of THE HAM BAND. Unfortunatley, it looks like the Ham Band’s website have gone off of the air for good ( resolves to nothing), but we were … Continue reading

Posted in Hamsexy WTF????, Hamsexyness! | 4 Comments

HAMSEXY Net Report October 4th, 2006

I picked up the net tonight and had nothing prepared, as it was not supposed to be my turn in the barrel. The turn out was light tonight, but we had a good little discussion about Skywarn and how effective … Continue reading

Posted in Hamsexyness! | 4 Comments