How to be a Ham (Canada)

So you want to become a ham? Ham radio, despite what you see on this site, is an interesting, exciting and educational hobby. As with all hobbies, there are people that take it too far. THAT is what this site exists to do. All of us who run the site are hams, and enjoy pokng fun at not only those around us, but ourselves. Ham radio is in serious danger of becoming extinct – a combination of a less-than-positive public image of Ham Radio, along with an aging majority of hams either going off the air or dying is quickly reducing our numbers.

So – you wanna get involved? Ham radio isn’t only for the nerdy, the overweight, the smelly… people from all walks of life and around the world are hams and get something out of the hobby.

The Canadian Amateur Radio service consists of three license classes (Basic, Morse Code and Advanced). According to the RAC website, they are described as follows:

The holder of a Canadian Basic Qualification (which requires no Morse Code examination) receives all amateur radio privileges above 30 MHz, except high power transmitter operation. Many Basic Qualification holders enjoy using hand-held VHF radios to stay in touch with other ham friends in their area. In addition they they may operate FM or single-sideband voice, digital packet (computer communication), Morse code, television, or several other interesting modes. They can even make international radio contacts via satellites, or via repeater stations over the internet, using relatively simple equipment. Operating privileges even extend outside Canada, always subject to the regulations of the host country.

With the Morse Code Qualification added to your Basic Qualification, you will receive all privileges on all the Amateur Radio bands below 30 MHz , except high power transmitter operation. These include the short wave bands with world-wide communications capability.

With the Advanced Qualification added to your Basic Qualification you can build and operate your own transmitting equipment, sponsor a club station, and operate your own repeater station.

How do you prepare

The RAC study guides are available on the internet at: As well, most major ham radio outlets or your local bookstore/library will have books on the subject.

Most ham radio clubs offer courses and study help to help you get your license. To locate a club near you, visit: Please note: This site is currently under construction, and will be online shortly.

If you like what you see and decide to get your license – let us know! Thakns for helping our hobby, and thanks for supporting Ham Radio and Hamsexy!

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