Monthly Archives: May 2006

Thanks a bunch Joe!

Super Net, brother and here’s Joe’s Net Report Blackjack! VE6GCS George Strathmore, AB NH7QH Chris Aiea, HI VE6PWT Bob Calgary, AB KG4BMK Stephen Iva, SC KB0KBJ Greer, SC KB8QKV Eddie Greenville, SC K3BM Bob Laporte, PA KU4MY Tom Anderson, SC … Continue reading

Posted in Hamsexyness! | 2 Comments

Hamsexy Net Tonight!!!!

The Hamsexy Net is tonight…. never duplicated, and never imitated!! The net will begin at 9pm Eastern time, 6pm Pacific on IRLP Reflector 9008 and Echolink conference *VAN-IRLP*. Net control will be KD8ATU, live from the Michael Moore state. The … Continue reading

Posted in Hamsexy Net | 2 Comments

More Dayton Photos

Thanks to Peter W2IRT and Paul K9MN (no Mary?) who submitted some great Dayton photos. THanks for the submissions, guys!! A Hamfest favourite – the Red Searchlight Porcupine shows up on Hamsexy about 3 or 4 times a year, each … Continue reading

Posted in Dayton 2006 | 16 Comments

Hamsexy Net Tonight!!

Thanks to KU4MY taking the net tonight. I had an unexpected training session come up with my new job, so I wasn’t able to be around for net time. Sorry about that! Here’s KU4MY with the net summary: Fantastic net … Continue reading

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Phil from Toronto sent us these photos with his letter – I must say it wins the 2006 RELFECTORSEXY award hands down. Just driving down the street in peace, when suddenly I’m blinded by the 400 reflections of the sun … Continue reading

Posted in Hamsexy WTF????, Vehicular Reviews | 8 Comments

Thanx Lonestar Steakhouse!!

A special Hamsexy Thank You deservingly goes out to the management and staff of the Lonestar Steakhouse on Miller Ln in Dayton Ohio. They took on 30 to 40 Hamsexy (and Batlabs) crew over 2 nights without hesitation, and then … Continue reading

Posted in Dayton 2006 | 6 Comments

The Best of Dayton (Well, so far…)

Here are some of the best images from the Dayton Hamfest this year – thanks to all who submitted photos and contributions!! We are still recieving submissions, watch this space for more images!! Booth-babe W0AMY giving the “Hamsexy Greeting” to … Continue reading

Posted in Dayton 2006 | 3 Comments

Dayton Raffle Winner – Alex K2XTS

Congratulations to Alex, K2XTS the winner of the Hamsexy Dayton 2006 Raffle. Alex is now the proud owner of a VHF Astro Saber 1 with Impress Charger. Seen below is Alex accepting his prize from our very own Booth-Babe… Amy!! … Continue reading

Posted in Dayton 2006 | 23 Comments