Dangerous whacker UPDATE!

Well, it looks like he’s selling the car.

The following message appeared on his YouTube video page:

I have been harassed by the County Sheriffs and Local PD here in my area even though I work for to credible places here in the County and most all Law Enforcement in this area either knows me or knows of me but think I am a “wannabe cop” which sucks because I “Would Like to be a cop” which is a huge difference. I will be enrolling in an academy here within the next year, I need to do some physical conditioning and then I’ll feel confident going in, knowing I can meet their physical standards. So hit me up if you are interested in this beautiful car , thanks.

Thanks for pushing me out of this car and giving me the motivation to actually join an academy, I regret any extra time and money you had to spend on me for surveillance at my place of work and elsewhere. I am glad you haven’t had any reason to actually charge me with anything, simply because I’ve never used this setup Illegally. It’s simply a vehicle code violation that I’ve committed. I hope this car goes to someone just as responsible as myself and doesn’t end up in the hands of a person who might use this car in an illegal fashion. I am being a little sarcastic with this message simply because I feel a little violated with all the surveillance, but at the same time understand its your job and one day it will be mine as well. I’m sure I’ll have as hard of a time, when I finally make it through the academy and hit the streets and see cars just like this and have to wonder who that person is inside and wonder what he’s up to. So I give you credit for the efforts and like I say I am glad I’ve never used this setup illegally (penal code wise). Now as for vehicle code, I’m sure its been illegal all along, but that wont be a problem anymore, so again thanks for all the concern and good looking out for the county and making it a safer place for us all to drive.
Best Regards …..Keith

Well, Chalk up another Hamsexy victory, folks. Our network of friends in Law Enforcement have been in constant contact with their brothers in California and CHP, and have made them aware of this dangerous guy. Once again, we have another dangerous whacker off of our streets. Unlike our other victory, this guy didn’t get arrested – but he got scared straight, and I guess that’s all that matters.


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13 Responses to Dangerous whacker UPDATE!

  1. big k says:

    Score one for Hamsexy, indeed.
    This freak needed some “supervision”, and it’s good he got it. He’s one of those f**ks who would cause some fatalities and blame it on someone else. Psycho deluxe.
    Well done!

  2. n0loh says:

    “I need to do some physical conditioning” as in “I need to quit eating so much Domino’s Pizza and try to squeeze back into my other car… a tricked out Geo Metro!”

  3. n2uhc says:

    He says he’s not a wannabe cop but wants to be a police officer… What’s the difference? Unless most wannabe’s know they’ll never make it and don’t actually try to become one. This guy’s going through the academy, but there’s no guarantee he’ll make it.

    And he also says that he didn’t do anything illegal but he knows his car was illegal as far as the vehicle code goes. Makes me wonder what police department would hire him. Most departments make you undergo psychological tests & interviews to make sure you’re the right kind of person to be an officer. I think if his whackerdom came up in the conversation, it’d be a strike against him.

  4. K8TEK says:

    He posts the VIN NUMBER on youtube…


  5. ki4hee says:

    He’s another disciple of the Church of Barney Fife. And if he does get his badge and the local Dunkin’Donuts starts doing Karioke, he’ll be in Hog Heaven.

  6. K3BM says:

    “I’ve never used this setup Illegally. It’s simply a vehicle code violation that I’ve committed.”

    Excuse me, but that is a traffic law, and in fact he did use it illegally HIS camera doesn’t lie.

  7. MOTOROLANUT says:

    As a Leo myself, I have come across a limited few Wannbes…But with little OPSEC nowdays this country feeds thier fires….It pleases me that hopefully he is off the street…

  8. kc8vwm says:

    I suspect the fact he is under investigation isn’t going to help his upcoming law enforcement career.

    This is just a lucky guess coming from a Durham Regional Police dropout.

    73 de Charles – KC8VWM

  9. kc8vwm says:

    I have been harassed by the County Sheriffs and Local PD here in my area even though I work for to credible places here in the County and most all Law Enforcement in this area either knows me or knows of me.


    You can say that again! Especially the part that they either know you or knows of you!

    73 de Charles – KC8VWM

  10. joe king says:

    Praise the Lord!
    He saw the light!

  11. scnermn2004 says:

    Hello Everyone, apparently I am the “Dangerous Whacker” that is being talked about all over the internet. If you guys have a moment, please look at my biographical information attached here to my account, I would like you all to get to know me and ask as many questions as you’d like but read my info first and I will answer away after that, happy to find myself here all over your website. Well hope to be chatting with ya’ll soon, Keith

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