Oklahoma Scanner Club

We got this image from an anonymous submitter with no description, just “Oklahoma Scanner Club Meeting” as the subject line.

So, we’ll publish it. It’s got radios and food… can’t get more hamsexy than that.


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7 Responses to Oklahoma Scanner Club

  1. flesh_mechanic says:

    DOOOOOOD…. check out the XTSexy… these guys ROCK

  2. w4coj says:

    High $$$$ scanner club

  3. JohnnyGalaga says:

    VERY high dollar. There must be $25,000 – $30,000 work of radios on that table.

  4. Administrator says:

    Hardcore radios, and hardcore eating……

    Ain’t nothing like scanners and eating, son…

  5. Administrator says:

    Oh, and four people does not a club make……

    Well, five if you count whoever is behind the camera. It’s not a waiter takng it or they would have been posing…


  6. I also see an additional plate to the right…
    6/7 perhaps.
    Still, an impressive geek/radio ratio.

  7. Pingback: blackjack

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