XTS5000 VHF Model 3 stolen out of a vehicle in Phily last night.

Heads up folks.  One of our friends had his model vhf xts5000stolen last night. 
Details are as follows: 

XTS5000 VHF Model 3 stolen out of a vehicle in Phily last night. 

Model #:  H18KEH9PW7AN
Serial: 320CHH1560


Has small flag display sticker on it (the one with the silver background and the small U.S. flag)

Should this radio cross your path, see if you can get your hands on it and contact the authorities. 

Thank You

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6 Responses to XTS5000 VHF Model 3 stolen out of a vehicle in Phily last night.

  1. n5api says:

    That sucks… I had an MT2000 stolen out of my car a few years ago (if you couldn’t already tell by the model.) Hate to say it, but I never got it back. Best of luck to you in recovering it.

    FYI, you might check to see if your auto insurance covers items inside the vehicle. It wasn’t worth it for my radio (deductible was more than I paid for the radio), but in the case of an XTS5k, it might be worth it.

  2. sabersaw says:

    Yeah, sucks to have anything stolen. FYI: Usually Home owners or renters insurance covers stolen property like this.

  3. k3who says:

    That sucks. I wish I could help. I had an Alinco DJ-G5 stolen out of my car the saturday night of field day 2002 none the less. It was no great loss as a radio but it din’t make be feel better about th $300 + I spent on it. I hope you recover it though it’s probably unlikely.

  4. smokeybehr says:

    I just had a bunch of stuff stolen out of my truck last night. I’ve filed a police report, and when I get back home, I’ll have all of the serial numbers. The items included a Kenwood TK-280 and a LB-UHF Systems Saber, along with my Pro95, iPod, and digital camera.

  5. K8UH says:

    I had a laptop and a MTS2000 taken from my truck a couple of months ago. State Farm was pretty accomodating and couldn’t figure out what the heck the MTS2000 was, so they took my word for it’s value. They’ve since bought me a shiny XTS3000 (used of course).

  6. ad4xe says:

    So, exactly who’s radio was stolen?? That would be nice info to have if it’s spoted at a ham fest or on Ebay. Calling the police to say , “Hey. I’ve come across a stolen radio” is o.k. , but i’m sure their response is gonna be, “oh yea, who was it stolen from?”

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