A N.E.A.R. miss…..

nearteam.jpgYou know, sometimes we come across things that justify other things. The website of the group you are about to read about is *exactly* why Hamsexy exists.

Today, we will be shedding light on N.E.A.R. – the “National Emergency Assistance Radio Team” (Shouldn’t that be N.E.A.R.T.?)

Boy oh boy. Where to start. Their logo is a bad rip-off of the REACT logo, and whoever designed their logo (and designed their website… and whoever writes messages on behalf of the group) has the English skills of a recent immigrant three year old retard with no arms. But I digress…..

Their website is pure comedic gold. It’s so bad I had a really hard time believing that it’s true. But… sadly… it seems to be. If retards like these are what is on the front lines of homeland security, we’re all doomed. Check out this gem from their EOC page… some sort of generic terror alert obviously written by someone’s young child:

The United State Home Land Security Has Issue a Threat Alert For The EastCoast of the United State A Threat Alert for the East Cost Of The U.SThat Inclueds New York Washtion DC The Threat Level has gon from Yellow Alert To a Ornge Alert Please be avised that Check points have ben setup in Bouth of these City and there Will be Street Near The White House and The Captel which will be closed allso Down Town New York Car are Being not aloud in the Wall Street The Public is being ask not to go in to The Wall Street becose of the Havey Security

The leader of this group (who calls himself the “Supreme Commander”) seems to be the one with the superior english skills. He’s posted a few times advertising this group, which can be found here and here. They also offer advice on how to start your very own CERT team.

The group (and the site) appears to have been dormant for some time, but when you read the press release announcing the formation of the group, it’s easy to understand why. Would you put your life in the hands of someone who specializes in “surch & rescut”?

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38 Responses to A N.E.A.R. miss…..

  1. kg4foy says:

    I had to drop them the following note to their “emergency” e-mail address…..

    “After seeing your website, the only emergency I see here is your need to use spell check in expeditious manner. “

  2. wmw1490 says:

    Oh my, this just about takes the cake. What baffles me is these morons are so stupid that I wonder who the hell connected a radio for them. They obviously cannot read/write….I don’t think they could spell their own callsign!

    If this is community service, it is no wonder why public safety keeps this representative sample of our community out of the way.

  3. vertigo72480 says:

    Anybody else notice that the web site was hosted by a free hosting company? That just screams “LOSER!” I couldn’t read much of it, the grammar and spelling was so very bad it made my eyes bleed.

  4. cyclops111670 says:

    Wow. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anyone use a Japanese to English Babelfish translation on a website!! At least, that would kinda explain what’s going on. Then again…

  5. va3inv says:

    Jesus Christ! F7 people, the odd spelling mistake can be forgiven. But this was an insult to the english language. (I will assume that was English) Are Missouri schools that bad?

  6. jcorgan says:

    I can’t wait to see what their turnout gear and vehicle outfitting look like…

  7. KD8CPP says:

    My ittle brthor cold tipe a lettar betar tan teh culd

    Really, how can you spell THAT bad.

  8. K8UH says:

    In order to sleep at night, I will pretend that the site is not real.

  9. ad5fu says:

    The saddest part of this little story is that these guys most likely take themselves this seriously. Someone should tell them about the FEMA training requirements just so we all can watch their heads explode when they realize they can’t do a tenth of the stuff they claim to be doing. But they would likely just respond with something like ” Huh? Wha? ”

    Oh well guys like this make it easy to feel good about yourself…

  10. KD5WIH says:

    They are looking for a “Saftey Officer”. If I had any experience in the saftey field, I would apply.

  11. W2SRH says:

    And whatever gives you the idea that experience is any kind of requirement? 😛

  12. VE3HBD says:

    Maybe this is Al Qaeda’s latest attempt to infiltrate our society….. Attack through the agencies that are charged with rendering assistance…. Unfortunatley, their efforts were turned asunder when their less-than-superior English skills exposed them… D’oh… go back to English school, Haji!

  13. n2uhc says:

    Has anyone notified REACT Int’l about these people ripping off their logo? I bet REACT’s lawyers would be interested in getting a cease and desist order if the REACT logo is trademarked. I don’t know about you, but when I see the logo above with the hand holding the mike, I think “REACT.” I’m sure REACT would just love being affiliated with these people who apparently have a 3rd grade reading level.

  14. k8mhz says:

    I just threw up on my keyboard…


  15. k8mhz says:

    “Floyd .O. Bucom Duptey Commaner”

    What’s a Duptey Commaner?

  16. KD8CPP says:

    I’ll notify REACT if no one else does.

  17. m2steven says:

    All we need now are photos of their vehicles. Anyone else see the picture of the Duptey Commaner? Quite the babe magnet.

  18. vk2qq says:


    Has anyone signed the Guist Book yet?
    Have you followed the Frequency link?
    Arghh, the site includes popup spam!
    What the hell is a dreciter?
    (Charles Ryan III Board of Dreciter Member &Training Officer)

    Is this what comes out of the American School System?
    Does CERT mean Call the Emergency Redneck Team?

    So many questions.

  19. joe king says:

    I am not sure I wish to join the
    National Emergency Assistance Radio Team or the
    Emergency Response Team listed below it on the logo.
    Should I, shoudn’t I, what a conundrum.
    Somebody help me decide, please.

  20. n2uhc says:

    Go for it. Their other 6 members need a real radio operator.

  21. DiKFeR says:

    Good God man!

    Threw – through
    Chane – chain
    Lunch – launch
    Surch – search
    Recue – rescue
    Headquters – headquarters


    Don’t forget to sign their “GUIST BOOK”

  22. KD8CPP says:

    Also We Moniter On CB Channel 9 And Moniter At
    The Same Time On CB Channel 13 Call Letters That Be Call
    KBQ-6468 NEAR TEAM Our Organization Members Have Had
    Training (CERT)

    Anyone thinking big beam and illegal amp? Maybe we can say hi to the sorry losers.

    10$ says he failed the 2nd grade till he was 18 and flunked out.

  23. zerobeat says:

    Did any of you guys notice that it’s not a ham radio website? All actual comments relating to when/where they conduct radio activities has referred to GMRS/MURS. Yeah, there’s a callsign listed – for a guy whose name is spelled incorrectly.

    Thankfully, these guys are not, in any real sense, part of the ham radio service.

  24. k8mhz says:

    If you sign their geuispht book you get to see the other entries, such as this one: (White Squirrel CB Club???)

    This is a place for CB’er’s to post messages to other CB’er’s; locally or internationally and for The buying and selling of all types of radio equipment! Join up and spread the news !!! All CBers Are Invited To Join The White Squirrel Citizen Band Radio Club. Located In Olney ILLINOIS. They Call Me The Nasville Rebel,

  25. kg4foy says:

    Even the logo is redundant……

  26. K8TEK says:

    The Head of The United State Homeland
    Security Mr Tom Rige had A News
    Conference in He Announce that the Threat
    Level will go From Yellow Alert To Orange
    Alert for Just the East Cost Of the United
    State The Report that Terries Threat have
    been Directed Towards City Such as New
    York, Washing DC Mr Rige told The Press
    Security has Ben Titan and that The Terries
    will Find that Security is Titer than has Before
    Cars Bus And Truck will be Such and keep
    Business Open but Security Will be Titan Up The
    Rest of the United State will stay on Yellow Alert.

  27. N0RHM says:

    After I told this guy his spelling sucks

    From: Lige Turner Commander NEARTEAM,Inc.
    Sir I Think You Need To Check Your Fax Out
    Before You Shoot You Mouth Off This Organization
    ( 1 )Is License By The United State Federal
    Communication Commission ( FCC )( 2 )This
    Organization Has Recive Certificate From The
    United State Federal Emergency Management
    Agency ( FEMA )And The Emergency Management
    Institute ( EMI ) We Are Not A Joke The Organization
    You Need To Find Out Information Before You Send
    Letters Or This Information Will Be Turn Over To The
    United State FBI For Being A Ubsine Letters So Do
    Not Send Us Any More Letters Or You Will Go To Jail

  28. Respond Wayne says:

    I just had to sign up to comment about this… WOW what a bunch of Crack Heads!!!

  29. Randy says:

    Now this is getting even funnier with his threats to have people jailed over sending him email!

  30. va3inv says:

    I bet their Command vehicle is a very short school bus.
    Clearly they are retarded. I found it funny that before February 12, they had only a hand full of entries in their “Guist Book”

  31. vk2qq says:

    I am trying hard to resist the incredble urge to take the letter that was sent to N0RHM, correct all the spelling and grammatical errors in a red font, and send it back with a comment “3/10, must try harder”

    And that is a lesson for us all, don’t go sending and more “Ubsine Letters”.

    I’m impressed really. Is this the first example of a website written entirely in Redneck Dialect?

  32. vk2qq says:

    Before You Send
    Letters Or This Information Will Be Turn Over To The
    United State FBI For Being A Ubsine Letters So Do
    Not Send Us Any More Letters Or You Will Go To Jail

    Go right ahead, the FBI won’t be able to read his drivel either!

  33. KI4HLW says:

    Wow, but you seem to have missed the best part… check out the contact page, he never changed the info from the template!


    Here is one gem:

    “Remember: it’s important to regularly change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visitors.”

  34. KD8CPP says:

    Where is their email, I’ll make a spoof email and correct his spelling like said above.

  35. Respond Wayne says:

    Check out the “Thank you letter” page… We would Like to Thank Those Person Who May Have Miss We Wount To Thank You For all Equtpment and Money that you have Give To The Team We Would Like To Thank for his Advice

    Oh, and the spelling of Wal Mart… Wall Mart Store

  36. Respond Wayne says:

    Haha, check out the “About Me Page”, no spelling errors there, so obviously the Supreme Commander has not got his pudgy fingers on there!

  37. wd4jko says:


    And if REACT doesn’t think these idiots are worth worrying about (which would be perfectly understandable) … they should check out the “photo page” (http://www.nearteamheadquters.8m.net/photo.html)

    As of now, that page informs the world that “The National Emergency Assistance Radio Team NEAR TEAM & Radio Emergency Associated Communication Team REACT As Jont Force and Have Better Coordinate in Emergency And Dearclear Disaster Our Two Organization Will Soon Become (NEAR TEAM-REACT,Inc.)”

    There’s a defamation suit waiting to happen …

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