Another Porcupine….

Another day, another porcupine sighting at a hamfest. This portcupine comes from a Hamfest in Oklahoma by an anonymous submitter. This entry has the added bonus of being dangerously messy inside, which adds to it’s Hamsexyness. one really wonders how this monstrosoty is wired, and if an Escort’s stock alternator could possibly handle that many radios. Probably not, but who knows- maybe all of these antennas are for show..? This car is from Missouri (the Show Me state), so I would like the owner to Show Me what he needs that much antennae for.

Click on the images for full-size

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7 Responses to Another Porcupine….

  1. illini52 says:

    That’s friggin scary!

  2. superpro says:

    One cannot help but savor how the interior trash delicately plays off the exterior clutter. Panoply of magmounts echoic of obsessive refrigerator magnet disorder, itself a sly reference to Nash-Kelvinatoresque provenance of disarmingly declasse Ford product.

  3. BLOCKHEAD says:

    Jesus Christ…how the hell can one listen to that many radios at once????

  4. HiddenHam says:

    I’m going to hazard a guess, and say some of those are for show. There is no way that man has that many radios IN that vehicle.

  5. jkeeton says:

    And the light on the roof is an added bonus!

  6. ve3yes says:

    Note that all mobile antennas are either magmounts, fender mounts or trunk lip mounts. One wouldn’t want to drill a hole in that fine automobile and risk reducing the resale value.

  7. mr. mike says:

    I love these shitmobiles, especially the wasted econoboxes with the 5 zillion antennas and probably duel alternators to run all that crap (though they have to put the pedal on the floor to keep three radios going.)

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