It’s Vantastic!!!

A reader up in Canada sent us this today… I don’t know, I think he might be onto something here.

“Here is Bill (ve3cru)’s new van. What an eye sore….”

Click to enlarge

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8 Responses to It’s Vantastic!!!

  1. ve3nsv says:

    Same heap of shit here except more antennas now. Thing must get great fuel mileage.

  2. X says:

    His vehicle is a danger to other drivers. Bill is also fucked in the head. What a loser.

  3. kanabecsys says:

    You’d think he’d get pulled over with a vehicle like that. Often.

  4. va3igd says:

    Some people are extremist about the hobby.

  5. Hammy says:

    I’m sure he takes all the crap down when he drives. This is most likely something he sets up once he is stopped and wants to get his station up and running.

    Either way, it’s still a lot of stuff on top of the roof. I am surprised it hasn’t caved in yet, or maybe he installed a roll bar for some extra support.

  6. ve3nsv says:

    Actually most of the pictures have been taken in public parking lots so I am guessing he drives around like that considering there is no place to store that shit inside. I’m betting a low hanging power line will bring him back to reality some time soon. Imagine bringing that thing back to the dealer for warranty?

  7. richard says:

    Hmm… he took off the VE3CRU call sign on his side windows… in masking tape, no less.

    He also seems to have way more antennas in the air since I came across that monstrosity at the Oshawa Stinkfest.


  8. k2thz says:

    Hopefully he has a PC/GPS interface to his rotor controller, with home-coded firmware – that way, when he keys up and the RFI and groundbounce twiddle a bit or two in the microcontroller, the rest of us could watch the beam swing around and scratch the shit out of that X5’s roof… 🙂

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