Sunday I went to the Hudson valley’s ‘premier’ hamfest, organized and sponsored by the Mount Beacon amateur radio club, it was a fairly good spread.. the weather was outstanding and there was quite a turn out. Sadly there were no hamabouts for me to photographically document, but alas there were some really good examples of vehicular whackerdom:
Subaru Impreza WRX Sti: With a collection of wonderful trunk mounted antennas.. but wait.. look at the amber light.. uber sexy!
Another shot of the same car taken later in the morning..I think there was some thievery happening there, one of his pride and joys is gone!
This guy exceeded his hamfest excitement quota, poor guy..tuckered out
They had assloads of Maxtracs.
…and XTS5000 Model 2 cases…a piece of Bristol PD memorabilia !
You tell me.. its an 11 meter whip. *yikes*