More on Don Valley REACT

It seems that the subject of Don Valley REACT has really stirred things up. We’ve gotten more than a few letters in the Hamsexy mail sack regarding these guys, including this gem from one of their locals:

I have dealt with some of these guys before… and they are one big joke. On RadioReference there was a whole thread about these whackers on top of that a local reader of RadioReference posted their frequencies they use for their radio comms on RadioReference and supposedly got a nice letter from one of the DVR guys demanding he remove them or face legal threats.
me on)…

A note about their quality Repeater setup:

RadioReference Says:

The only TAFL listing I see for 171.45 is the dinky tower in [name removed]’s back yard. A 40 metre tower ain’t much to write home about. And the wiring in the radio room (the root cellar under his garage) is atrocious – repeaters plugged in to power bars plugged in to power bars plugged in to 15 amp outlets fed by 30 year old breakers that trip well before 15 amps. If your equipment acts up, you’ll have to move his car out of the garage (it’s parked over the access to the root cellar) and bring a flashlight, otherwise you’ll trip over the drip pans on the floor that fill up every time it rains.

As well, it looks like the Don Valley REACT website has set aside a page just for Hamsexy visitors. In it they once again demand an apology for insulting a Chief somebody. Seeing as though:

1) We published photos that were submitted to us with the faces scratched out
2) Have no real idea who this chief guy is and what photo he is in
3) Aboslutley no one in the photos is identifiable.

We’ll have to give Don Valley REACT a big fuck you in the apology department. If they had just let it go, then poor Chief whatshisface would never have been outed, and his career wouldn’t have been ruined, or something… I dunno. As well, it seems that they are starting to specifically target members of Hamsexy in their anger over our articles. Just today, they added this:

Comment Jan 03/07 11:04am: by VE3HBD (aka bryan of hamsexy) that he lives in the area (Brampton?) and has “no clue” shows how much he doesn’t know or pretends not to, or worse yet, has no clue where or how to look and actually helps to prove the point.

To that, Bryan VE3HBD replies: “I dunno. I’ve never heard of the guy. If that makes me ’shows how much he doesn’t know or pretends not to’, then so be it. But I think whoever is in charge of corporate communications for this group needs to be fired and replaced with someone who’s comfortable using the English language.”
The fact they are trying to personally embarrass members of our site is rather telling – maybe we should re-post all of the photos on here without the faces blocked out? Or maybe we should start putting names to faces? We’ve consulted our legal team, and even though we have perfectly legal grounds to demand they remove VE3HBDs name and location from their website (their webteam also needs to perhaps be advised about the laws regarding libel), we’ve decided not to do so.

Don Valley REACT should probably remove it from their site, though – just as a friendly warning.

We’ll update you on these developments as they progress.

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23 Responses to More on Don Valley REACT

  1. n2uhc says:

    “ESU TAC = Emergency Support Unit (one of the whackers in the group has a car that says ESU on it)

    ESU TAC – 154.5700 (154.5700) 100.0”

    That’s the old “blue dot” business band freq, known in the US these days as a MURS (multi-use radio service) frequency. I don’t know why they’re so upset at this frequency being posted, since it’s widely used in the US, and apparently in Canada, too. I don’t beleive that a license is required for this any more.

    Incidentally, the 154.600 “green dot” frequency is in widespread use by McDonald’s for thier drive-thru wireless headsets.

  2. grinthock says:

    First, frequency information is public domain. Free speech assuming it doesn’t fall under libel is also free.

    Perhaps those at Don Valley React need to re-evaluate the way they are “REACT”ing to this situation.

    Sometimes you just need to shut up, and move on. You are making yourselves look like idiots. To be honest until today I held a hope that you were less “whackerish” than Toronto ARES, and held a small amount of respect. Well that has gone out the window.

    I mean you put an “HAMSEXYVISITORS” links on your website? Why? So you can embarrass yourself even more?

    Why does someone doing community service need HIDDEN identification stripes on their car (such as the Impala in your group) and since when was it ok for your team to have SIREN’S in their cars (as do some members)

    The only people breaking any kind of law in this back and forth is your admin team, posting the libellious comments you have. Hamsexy hasn’t posted anything “illegal”

    This is fun, and i’m quite enjoying it — keep up the good work Clyde and Bryan! As for any sort of action against Clyde, i’d love to see that, it’s a long drive to his house in the USA for something as petty as this (And i’ve made the trip, pack a lunch, it’s gonna take a while)

  3. w8juz says:

    Dont they understand, they are just wasting their time?

  4. exkalibur says:

    I think I should dig out the email I got from them awhile back when I posted their frequencies. Sorry DVR, I won’t “stop giving out confidential information” nor will I “stop aiding and abetting those who choose to do us harm”. Frequency information is available direct from Industry Canada. As for your ESU Tac? Well let’s just say some of your members (one, in particular) isn’t very tight lipped about this stuff.

    The York Regional Police Service already do a good job handling traffic and other incidents. They don’t need an amateur organization to get in the way and pretend to be something they aren’t. I would have less of a problem (infact, I probably wouldn’t have ANY problem) with DVR if they stopped playing ambulance chaser and stuck to helping out at parades and the like. There’s NOTHING wrong with a group helping out with parades, festivals and the like, infact I think it’s a great idea. But, it doesn’t require a black impala done up just like a police car, nor does it need a dark blue Alero labeled as ESU. It requires a bunch of guys wearing normal clothes with a reflective vest.

    I’m not talking out my a$$ here. I’ve done exactly this type of stuff for the last 10 or so years. I can’t count the number of parades and whatever else I’ve helped out with. But take a guess as to how many times I’ve NEEDED lights or NEEDED an airhorn. That’s right. A big fat ZERO.

  5. exkalibur says:

    Oh. And by the way. No, we won’t stop the “anti react” over here on the hamsexy. So you’re wasting your breath (or shall I say, bandwidth) in asking.

  6. kg4foy says:

    Bunch of friggin losers……….

  7. 91004 says:

    They would appear to be much more professional if they did not try to imitate the Law Enforcement so much. If you look closely in some of the pictures you will see that at least two of the individuals seem to be carrying ASP holders, as well as handcuff cases. They probably carry pepper spray as well.

  8. exkalibur says:

    Well, it isn’t necessarily an ASP holder. I have a flashlight who’s holder looks pretty similar to that of an ASP. Then again, I certainly wouldn’t put it past these guys…

  9. n3jfw says:

    think they carry bear mace?

  10. richard says:

    …only for the nights that their wives get frisky, Seth.


  11. kc7yra says:

    What a bunch of wacktastic pukes. Get a freaking life.

  12. uje5ek says:


  13. JohnnyGalaga says:

    What is an “ASP” holder ?

  14. Credicon says:

    an “ASP” holder is what you put “ASP” Holes in… actualy its an ASP Tactical Baton seen here an “ASP” Holder is just a holder for your ASP Baton, similar to this one seen on Galls

  15. X9F says:

    That’s it. Your DVP assholes have gone too far. Today, I will visit the local copyshop and get page 69 of the January 2007 Popular Communications magazine scanned, and post it on this website. It contains a full-size COLOUR picture of the DVP whacker squad.

    You fags wanted the attention, and the picture is published in a public magazine. I will also post it on hamsexy for everyone to see.


  16. grinthock says:

    Can’t wait to see the posting X9F!

  17. richard says:

    Makes me want to go out and buy a copy for the laughs!

  18. va3igd says:

    These guys help make Toronto Ares guys look good!

  19. X9F says:

    Well guys, I tried!

    I went to Shopper’s Drug Mart and tried to get it scanned, but those MOTHERF*&(*&s wouldn’t do it for me because they said “WE CAN’T! IT’S COPYRIGHTED!”

    I tried bribing the cunt working in the photo department, but the bitch, who looks as if she’s in need of a nice powercock between her legs, wouldn’t budge.

    Fear not, I’m going to get a page scanner and then take it back. Future Shop, here I come! FU COPYRIGHT FAGS!

  20. VE3HBD says:

    Don’t go to the effort. This has about run it’s course.

    Sometimes when you tell a joke too many times, it ceases to be funny.

  21. X9F says:


    I understand your wishes…but give me a break please. I just spent 2 hours out on a bus to get this damn page scanner. I’m not putting all that time to waste.

    Here’s the scans:

    Picture 1
    Picture 2

    Hopefully you guys find this sad. (Both my waste of time on the bus, and the pictures.. LOL)

  22. ve3nsv says:

    Looks like a big gut convention to me.

  23. richard says:

    “Strategy session in progress”????

    “Double-Teaming for Safety”????

    Jesus, that’s a terrible article.

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