I am man enough to admit when I am wrong.
I may have acted a little hastily in suspending the net – while I am certainly not condoning the use of profanity or other violations of amateur radio regulations, the instances occured after the net had concluded, so the nets will continue.
I am sorry for my actions, and I hope those offended can forgive me. Thanks.
Do you think that those guys playing music had anything to do with it.
All I can say is that that action was not hamsexy, or any Sexy.
Bad form Dudes. You made the rest of us look like retards,
That is all.
Bryan needs to research the facts before making rash decisions and posting them on the main site.
I was fucking around AFTER THE NET. My fucking around had NOTHING TO DO WITH HAMSEXY OR THE NET.
Bryan is being irresponsible for not researching what actually happened. I have spoken to several people today about this, including other administrators of hamsexy, and they do not seem to have a concern for what happened since it did not involve the hamsexy.net.
Bryan should immediately remove this lame “post” from the website and allow those who wish to participate in the hamsexy net to continue doing so.
And remember, there’s nothing stopping anyone from connecting to 9008 at the usual 8pm EST and having a net/bs session. Bryan does not own the reflector or the bridge.
For the record.
I ran the net last night, and one of the first things I said when starting it was “An guys, let’s keep it above par” and during the net it was. There was a couple of cases of noise in the background, including myself. My dryer’s buzzer was going at one point. you can’t always help that. I closed the net at 2125, after that it was no longer the Hamsexy net and it was an open forum.
None of that was part of the hamsexy net at all. Before opening your mouth, make sure you have the FACTS straight.
“The Douchebag”
I typically only check in when I actually remember to, and most the time it’s by IM not over the air.
I have been listening to the net’s for the past couple of weeks, and have had no issues. I’ve listened to net’s run by HBD – JSV – X, and there haven’t been any issues. The stuff after the net the other week was amusing – but it was after the net, and that being said – if people want to be idiots outside of a professional forum, so be it. People generally respect the net, it’s discussions, and what goes on during it.
After that, if people don’t kill the links, they don’t kill the links. Worry about the things you can control, and not the things you can’t.
You know that I have a history with Shawn – and I’ll say – each time i’ve listened to the net that he’s run – he’s been very professional, and done a good job. Pokes fun at the other hammies – but you know – so be it – we all do. James was tired last night after being responsible for 300+ people at a fire scene in his county during the late evening the previous night – and was tired.
Ultimatly, I won’t loose sleep if the net remains here or doesn’t – I don’t check in all that often, I’d run one if I got motovated to and even remembered when I’m home to check in :), but in reality – it’s nice to see that there is some meeting each week, and people can chat.
If people are getting wound up over it, they are missing the point of Hamsexy.
There’s my $1.00 of bandwidth tonight.
Alex, you are beautiful.
I hope it all gets worked out.
There are others to poke fun at.
Wah wah wah… VA3SIM came crying to me, I have to disband the net now.
If this is the case, remember to connect to reflector 9008, or Echolink node *VAN-IRLP* for the “unoffical” hamsexy® gathering.
Shaun, quit hitting on Alex.
Great……. just fucking beautiful.
The only reason I got ticked about it was that a local repeater was linked in and stayed hooked up after the net. They had to shut down the link because of the music.
They talked about Hamsexy in a negative way repeatedly the next day.
Even though, as you say, it was not part of the net, the implied association was there.
If I over reacted, I am sorry. I just don’t get a chance to say “douchebag” very often.
ha ha.
I can’t help it, Seth. He’s hot and makes me excited. Maybe this is Alex’s way of trying to tell me he has feelings for me again. If that’s the case, I will send him roses and profess my manlove for him!
I forgive Bryan. I called him a fag way too many times last summer and he got mad for real, but he forgave me. And for that, it takes a big man. If he was a small man, he would’ve told me to FO and take a cab to the airport and kicked me out of his place and never talked to me again. Or he could’ve given my burger a “hershey” if you know what I mean. But he didn’t.
Bryan, you are a man of many qualities. One of them is your nice bum, but the nicest one is your ability to reason.
I really hate to sound like an ass, but their are some people that try to check in every once in a while. I think the real reason we started to have a drop in participation is because the net time was changed. The next major problem was the fact that someone said they were going to be doing net control and they either forget about it, oversleep or have other “emergencies”, which is completly understandable. We never expected the net to always fit into your schedule, however it was rude for us to expect to fit into your schedule.
I dunno but “X” telling one of our locals to “Blow me” was gold… Fecking GOLD….
Just a note, that man that complained has been told by me before not to stay connected 24/7, which he chose to ignore.
I am glad the net is going to continue. My issue was that it was made out to look like I allowed these things to happen during the net.
No one sent me a message, called me, NOTHING prior to the original message going up on the main page. I would have at least appreciated a heads up to at least get my side of the story instead of basing everything off 3rd party information.
So Lenny… sorry for snapping at you about it, but you were the first to bring it up, so you were the first target. I have since spoken to Seth regarding this situation.
I forgot to sign the post… oops.
“Lenny’s Douchebag”
No one was blaming you at all, J – you can’t control what others might decide to do during the net. Please don’t take it the wrong way, and again I apologize for what my haste has caused in the way of strife.
No problem JAYMZ, you can call me a Douchbag when we get together at Dayton and I will laugh. I am sorry for being a turd.
It’s all good, Lenny
I am thinking T-shirts
That might make a good T-Shirt, or at least a funny
Scrolling Namebadge
I will have to put that up on http://WWW.Cafepress.com/douchebags. nothing yet, but we will try.
I might make one up and wear it t to dayton, once the Hamsexy Dayton shirt gets “the stink” and I have to put it away. We must change clothes sometime, even if it is a hamfest
Lenny, it can’t be “the stink”. It MUST be “teh stink”