Ham Clown of the Month!

While surfing the intarweb the past few days, looking for interesting content for Hamsexy, I came upon an interesting thread over on eHam.

It seems a hammy named Bill, otherwise known as N6AYJ, has a beef with some operators on or around 3840 KHz:

I was listening to 3840 last night here on the West coast and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing: Ranting, raving, jamming, music, cussing, etc., etc. for hours on end. Totally out of control!

It made me ashamed to be an amateur. There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of thing. All of those hams should have their licenses revoked! And what about all those bootleggers? Why doesn’t the Commission do something about them?

It is really sickening, and I am having serious reservations about whether I want to continue to be a ham or not. Why doesn’t Riley Hollingsworth do something about it, rather than making speeches and mouthing platitudes?

At first glance, that is mighty interesting… I thought all the OM claimed that everything below 11m was the Golden Land because they were all so amazing that they had CW privledges… isn’t that an argument many OM have made for keeping code? I digress…

Anyhoo! Upon further investigation of our dear complainer Bill, we find that he has graced the pages of Hamsexy once before:

For those that are newer to Hamsexy, please take a look here:
Bill sends a crazed letter to our man in the FCC, Riley.

For those of you who really really want to wade through the TWENTY-FOUR page nonsensical diatribe that Bill sent Riley (really, it’s quite hilarious!), I’ve gone ahead and uploaded a pdf for your reading pleasure:
Bill and his words
One of my favorite quotes in his letter is that Bill’s “…a trendsetter…”

Kinda reminds me of another favorite quote of mine:

“I’m a loner, Riley. A rebel.”

Of course, what did you expect from someone who calls “[r]eceiving two Warning Notices from Riley Hollingsworth” as one of the proudest accomplishments in ham radio?

So, Bill, for your continued dedication to all that’s wrong with ham radio today, I happily award you the prestigious Hamsexy Ham Clown of the Month Award!


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21 Responses to Ham Clown of the Month!

  1. K8TEK says:

    Doesn’t N6AYJ talk on the 147.435 repeater?

  2. spudboy488 says:

    And at the bottom of the week 10 page referenced? ……an article on famous hams and Sir Mix-alot. Total-Homepage-Tie-In-Sexy!


  3. K8TEK says:

    Never mind, that is Anton I am thinking of… (N6OAY)

  4. va3igd says:

    Very hamsexy indeed!

  5. k6jeb says:

    You might also take a look at another member of the American Troll Party, his call is (now) NN6EE and he seems to like to refer to Extras and “Extra-Lites” because they didn’t go through a Ghost Dance ordeal, or self-flagellation enough to meet his approval . . . yet he remains an Advanced Class op, who had not one, but TWO separate letters from the FCC. Follow the thread:


    Seems there is no end in sight as far as the battle against the Anti-Cruise. Perhaps it’s all part of some crazy master plan in the Universe that keeps most of us ‘normals’ on our toes. Plus it keeps everyone entertained.

    Jack, K6JEB

    “Lorca warns: Life is not a dream, beware, and beware, and beware. And so many think because then happened, now isn’t. But didn’t I mention? The ongoing WOW is happening right NOW. We are all co-authors of this dancing exuberance, for even our inabilities are having a roast. We are the authors of ourselves, co-authoring a gigantic Dostoevsky novel starring clowns… An assumption developed that you cannot understand life and live life simultaneously. I do not agree entirely, which is to say, I do not exactly disagree. I would say that life understood is life lived. But, the paradoxes bug me, and I can learn to love and make love to the paradoxes that bug me, and on really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion. Before you drift off, don’t forget, which is to say remember, because remembering is so much more a psychotic activity than forgetting: Lorca, in that same poem, said that the Iguana will bite those who do not dream, and as one realizes that one is a dream figure in another person’s dream… that is self-awareness!”
    — Timothy “Speed” Levitch, Waking Life

  6. k8mhz says:

    This is the kind of stuff you get on eHam. It makes both 75 meters and Hamsexy look like Sunday School.

    I get the finest responses to my posts on eHam. Check this from WA6CDE, a man that claims to be sane. This is just a snip of the BS this CS ham that hides behind a PO Box writes. He misread my post and thinks I am taking the credit for Billy’s diatribe. He also read my profile in Yahoo and thinks I am 147 years old. I left his spelling and grammar errors so we could enjoy the post to the fullest.

    “Clearly… you suffer from dementa and can’t distingush between right and wrong, what you wrote and what other have and now claim a 11,000 word tirade telling RH where to stick it… Like I am sure he really waisted his time reading past the first paragraph… did you do it all in CAPS too… (grin)

    Somewhere you must think that were conserned… well the only consern that seems to surface here is the fact that you clearly are out playing with alice and the cat… again (smile)

    Hey have a nice day… remember what that other person suggested to you… personal hygine is a item that can be offensive if you are not taken care of… so make sure you check your diapers at least 5 or 6 times a day… Lord knows when you get your age how constanance is in you old people… a puddle here… a puddle their… a puddle every where you stop… and sleep for a hour….

    We know where you have been by the stinking puddles you leave….. are we having fun yet…..”

    That was just part of it. The rest is on eHam if you can stomach the richness of full blown Hamsexiness.


    Mark K8MHZ

  7. zerobeat says:

    N6AYJ and NN6EE were both featured characters on the repeaters last time I drove through. They were on, babbling on about “Rolly” (their mis-pronunciation of “Riley”) and stumbling over their tongues because they were both drunk as skunks. I’ve seen NN6EE bounced off of more email reflectors than I knew existed.

    But is it because they’re hams, or because they’re Californians, or is this the inevitable results of geeks trying to be hip?

  8. NEXT says:

    This is the kind of stuff you get on eHam. It makes both 75 meters and Hamsexy look like Sunday School.

    I get the finest responses to my posts on eHam. This is just a snip of the BS this CS ham that hides behind a PO Box writes. He misread my post and thinks I am taking the credit for Billy’s diatribe. He also read my profile in Yahoo and thinks I am 147 years old. I left his spelling and grammar errors so we could enjoy the post to the fullest.

    “Clearly… you suffer from dementa and can’t distingush between right and wrong, what you wrote and what other have and now claim a 11,000 word tirade telling RH where to stick it… Like I am sure he really waisted his time reading past the first paragraph… did you do it all in CAPS too… (grin)

    Somewhere you must think that were conserned… well the only consern that seems to surface here is the fact that you clearly are out playing with alice and the cat… again (smile)

    Hey have a nice day… remember what that other person suggested to you… personal hygine is a item that can be offensive if you are not taken care of… so make sure you check your diapers at least 5 or 6 times a day… Lord knows when you get your age how constanance is in you old people… a puddle here… a puddle their… a puddle every where you stop… and sleep for a hour….

    We know where you have been by the stinking puddles you leave….. are we having fun yet…..”

    That was just part of it. The rest is on eHam if you can stomach the richness of full blown Hamsexiness.


    Mark K8MHZ

    Wonderful Mark..
    I see you can’t face me directly and talk about things … no instead you are the perverable slut that lurks in your darken hole. As to the saying that your playing with Alice and the cat… if you remember… which your not good at… I said that to you.. you drunk.

    Like all the rest of your postings on Eham, you think your shit doesn’t stink and that you can say anything to anyone and not be accountable for it. I really liked how you slammed Greta and her fine impression of you went right into the tolet. I still am wondering if you were mad at her for being a ham or just plain mad at females in general. Of course you must have been on drugs that day as you really got screwed up and turned around. But calling her a Bitch and a Whore… that screws the dog and cat… (must be your talking about your own experiences) ahhh definately your a gentleman. I am surprised that you have a daughter who lives with you after some of the comments that you made directly to Greta. I am sure you wouldn’t have made them directly to her face to face or she probably would have slapped you silly… Are you one of them perverts who fingers their own little girl and then says it part of their sex education?

    As to me hiding… ahhh no… it is my choice that I really dont care to talk to a creaton such as you. You want to write a letter… the PO box works just fine. But your constant whining, and bitching like here on this web to vent your frustrations because you contenue to lose the arguement with yourself really isn’t any of my consern. Yes you are handicapped in more than one way. well now you know why I have a answer mach also to filter out the likes of you . I just push the button and poof your gone before you get a word out to the contrary. Its magic.

    Again your playing with alice and the cat when you wrote that I sent a … whats this 11,000 word letter to RH.. ahhh never happend their bonehead.

    I really like reading my own stuff that I sent to you with the twist that you are the author when in reality you are just turning it around and sending it back.
    A real mental brain bucket from the well of stupidity there Mark. Geee ya think you you thought no one would never know? Well mark you don’t amount to much on the ham bands, eham and elsewhere when you come out with this BS and C that you really don’t have the mental appititude for. Is it true… your such a funny guy living in your van with the dog and cat and trying to make a new 4 legged cross breed by having sex with both.

    Hey have a nice day… remember what that other person suggested to you… personal hygine is a item that can be offensive if you are not taken care of… so make sure you check your diapers at least 5 or 6 times a day… Lord knows when you get your age how constanance is in you old people… a puddle here… a puddle their… a puddle every where you stop… and sleep for a hour….

    We know where you have been by the stinking puddles you leave….. are we having fun yet…..”

    Yep I wrote that and it still applies today as it did then.

    Oh and if I want any more lip I can get it off my zipper that you left their… bonehead

    73’s WA6CDE

  9. regnar says:

    LOL,I remember NN6EE and N6AYJ from long ago,wonder if they are still around ? I know they used to be on old Wally (K7PIG) Wailing wall years ago,too funny,brings back memories !

  10. EE says:


    You must be a real piece of work slamming people you don’t even know personally and then “POSTING ANONYMOUSLY!!!

    F.U (and well deserved!)

    Anyone who posts like you did for no cause at ALL is a “COWARD”!!!

  11. Regnar says:

    What a retard ! I didn’t slam anyone all I said was I remember those guys,get back on your meds and STFU !

  12. Regnar says:

    LOL,they wwere going at it again last night,CW,music,too funny,worse than anything on Channel 19 CB! Too funny,should be good tonight too !

  13. EE says:

    Regnar ???

    I sure wish that u’d get ur shit together as u’ve done nothing for the “HOBBY” other than “DUMP” on people that you don’t even KNOW and reading other postings (ARCHIEVED) by other such LOSERS as yourself who AGAIN POST ANONYMOUSLY!!!

    We’re very pro-active in Ham Radio having mentored a number of individuals, giving away gear (at NO COST TO THEM), giving money to worthwhile/ worthy DX-Peditions! And always operating within PART 97, AS WE’RE STILL LICENSED AND ALWAYS WILL BE!

    It’s INDIVIDUALS like (YOURSELF) who are the problem in our hobby NOT ME!

    So “Kiss my BUTT COWARD”!!!


  14. Regnar says:

    Ahh,come on Jim don’t be mad,just because you have been banned from QRZ and most every site on the web.Too bad Wally’s wailing wall isn’t still around you could cry there ! Ah I remeber the good old days of QRZ with me,Czar,Wally,AC7UX,and others what a fun time.Oh and BTW I still have a license,I am around 3840 most evenings listening to the fun or catch me around 14.313 daytime,now stop crying it’s bad for an old man !

  15. EE says:


    For those who don’t know me and resent MY OPINIONS>”FUCK’EM like your “cowardly-SELF” hiding behind a “KEYBOARD”!!! It’s really amazing how a “FEW LOSERS” LIKE YOURSELF LOVE TO CONDEMN others that you don’t even frigg’n KNOW! The “INTERNET” is your place to slight others again “ANONYMOUSLY”! WE BEEN LICENSED NOW “50 YEARS” and we’re not going anywhere until the “END”!!!

    So to you and and a FEW OTHER COWARDS “ON-Line” out here:



    MAY YOUR “HANDY-TALKIE” MELT DOWN!!! And may you “SUFFER” many evenings of “OLD_AGE” yourself!

  16. regnar says:

    You sure are a cry baby son of a bitch old man ! LOL,you will be dead soon like all the other old farts from the Liberty Net !!! LOL

  17. Regnar says:

    Wonder if Jim the old bastage finally died yet,never hear him on 3840khz anymore

  18. Regnar says:

    I heard old Jim NN6EE died from all the crying he’s done over the years ! We were laughing about him on 3840 last night,everyone had a good story about dumb-ass Jim ! LOL

  19. Regnar says:

    LOL,I heard tonight on 3840 o’l Jim NN6E is a silent key,they said he died of an aids related illness,very sad,RIP Jim !

  20. Roy says:

    interesting, YOP even doesnt like whining Jim on his repeaters, he is ” tolerating” him for now..lmao, its funny the trail of crap never stops

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