“Sticking a phallus shaped object in someones ear is one thing, but putting an icom logo on them has just gone to far!”- Stinger

Day 2 complete…

You might ask “why is her bra on the outside ?” We sure did ! (W2WTF photo)

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3 Responses to “Sticking a phallus shaped object in someones ear is one thing, but putting an icom logo on them has just gone to far!”- Stinger

  1. zerobeat says:

    Guys, are you watching your own photos?

    You have become what you once lampooned. Hopefully, you will begin posting your own beer-gut photos with appropriate photoshopping.

    BTW, that’s not a bra she’s wearing on the outside…it’s a “figure enhancer”. They’ve been popular for a few years. Perhaps, sitting you your basements, being amazed that you can still get wood at your pudgy size, you were oblivious to the trends in female garb.

    But yeah, screw Icom – I’m with you on that one.

  2. wmw1490 says:

    I don’t get it…what’s with the gangsta signs?

    For zerobeat–I’m in the 50 crowd and doing all possible to avoid looking like the typical white male 50 something plus ham. It does gets harder with age, but some in this crowd look younger than 50. Maybe we need a 5am HamSexy PT program going on some net? 🙂 That will never happen…

  3. motorola_otaku says:

    Seth, you are THE MAN for wearing the Homeland Security shirt!

    Girth aside, there are some extremely cool give-you-the-shirt-off-their-back individuals in the above pics.

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