More on Wayne Spires

bilde.jpgHere’s another article on Wayne Spires KF4BJT, the ham who climbed his tower last week to protest his being forced to join a homeowner’s association formed years after he bought his land.

We here at Hamsexy support KF4BJT 100% – this homeowner association obviously has other motives behind it’s actions… tower-owning hams have had a long history of clashing against arrogant and ignorant HOAs, and we’re glad that more and more are fighting against them.

He’s gotten some media coverage of his struggle – he’s appeared on TV and radio, and has been featured on a few websites.

The new article can be found by clicking here – as published in the Montgomery, Alabama Advertiser.

We wish Wayne the best of luck – and hope he makes it through his crusade safe and sound. Go get ’em, Wayne!!!

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7 Responses to More on Wayne Spires

  1. k8mhz says:

    Does anyone know if he has an HF rig up there with him? I would like a try at a contact and a card. I like unique contacts and this guy is……unique.

    I don’t know if I support what he is doing or not, which is does not go hand in hand with supporting reasonable tower rights.

    I do not support the right for anyone to be able to erect large towers anywhere they want to. I do support reasonable accommodation for antennas. Remember people, we can (I have) work the world with wire antennas hidden in trees.

    How many of you would like a neighbor’s 100 foot guyed tower 30 feet from your patio or pool? Or near your service entrance drop?

    Sure, if you can place a tower in a position where it can only fall on your own property the above is moot, but how many times are disputed towers that far from the property lines?

  2. VE3HBD says:

    Try reading the articles.

    He bought the land in 1995 specifically because there was no one around to complain about his tower.

    More people started to move into the area, and a homeowner association was formed many years after he was established. Basically, they are trying to force him to move off of his land so they can build condos.

  3. k8mhz says:


    I was just venting….

    I have heard so much about HOAs and towers I went into a rant.

    Someone contended that he did agree to an HOA and apparently had enough evidence to convince at least one judge. The appeals process is there for such cases that the first judge may be wrong.

    Personally, I don’t think anyone but the government should be able to do the things HOAs are doing as they are making laws and collecting taxes. But that the way it is here…..

  4. Iskander says:

    Someone contended that he did agree to an HOA and apparently had enough evidence to convince at least one judge.

    The article says he joined a landowners association, not a HOA. Is there another article on the matter?

  5. ki4yhf says:


    Basically you’d have to know the area. Dude bought a house in the country, near nobody. That part of the county/region is growing rapidly. Subdivisions are popping up as we speak. Cow pastures are becoming McMansions at an alarming rate. This guy was in a rural area. When I saw the story on the news, I didn’t even know he was in any city’s corporate limits. So now he’s supposed to change because a bunch of newcomers moved in next door? I don’t think so. And I didn’t know anyone could be forced to retroactively join a HOA. You buy a house knowing the covenants ahead of time if there’s an existing HOA. But retroactively? WTF?! Hello property rights lawsuit.

    And no, I don’t think everyone should have the right to install a big tower ANYWHERE. But if you’re in the country, and you were there first, everyone else can suck it.

    Here’s more:

    Hooray for this being on Hamsexy

  6. leslie says:

    its not about the tower its about some one comeing and trying to tell every one what to do and pay all this monye for run work that still look bad and yes one day it well be about the tower.and tell every one how to live thats been on there land since 1990 but i would like to think you all for careing about my dad

  7. leslie says:

    If you’d like to make a donation to help Wayne, you can go to to help keep hes home we just got it up and going thank’s

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