A response from the Dayton Hamvention chairman

Terry, N5RSE, wrote an excellent letter to the chair of the Dayton Hamvention last night, asking for clarification on the banning of Hamsexy from Dayton, and expressing his support for hamsexy. He got a reply today, and forwarded it to us for publishing:

Dear Terry:

I have no prior knowledge of your commentsor issues. I am not aware of a letter or any issues you are mentioning here.

Any communications reflecting the position of the Dayton Hamvention would come from either myself as General Chairman or My assistant Jim Nies. No other persons has the authority to make and policy statements for Hamvention.

If you wish to share all the details I will be happy to review them. Again, please let me state until I read you email this morning I had no prior knowledge of any issues you may have or any communications from Dave.


Gary Des Combes, N8EMO
General Chairman

We’ll keep you all updated as we get more info.

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7 Responses to A response from the Dayton Hamvention chairman

  1. kd5owo_1 says:

    I am trying to get the word out here that these guys edited my profile as some sick joke. They will keep deleting this post, because they don’t want people to know the truth. I attacked them and they got very angry. They know I am right, and they don’t want me posting the facts here.


  2. sheriffe9 says:

    Quit re-registering here. They removed commercial advertising from your post, that is all they edited. And what is the “truth” you want us to know. Your opinion is just that, an OPINION.

  3. richard says:

    OMG WTF It’s a big conspiracy!

    All I see is another wacker who’s upset that hamsexy hits a little closer to home than he’d like.

    Go chase a tornado.

  4. Administrator says:

    The user has admitted in an e-mail to our webmaster that he is purposfully spamming our site.

    A letter (with the text of his e-mai) will be sent to his ISP’s abuse department. They will deal with him.

    His IP is (resolves to: cpe-24-243-190-207.hot.res.rr.com)

  5. cyclops111670 says:

    Hey admin, go here:


    Third message from the bottom. Where is says “Comment by KD5OWO” click on the callsign.


    This is so not right.

    Ban this script kiddie!!

  6. w0ahh says:

    blah blah blah yall gona start a net or what? someone needs to spark up something on 80 meters.
    -Brian W0AHH

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