Rochester Hamfest

It’s a little late, but here are some submitted photos from the Rochester Hamfest, submitted by our friend Dave K2THZ.

During a quick QSO during an errand run today, I learned that the
Rochester (NY) Hamfest is being held this weekend. Since I haven’t made
it in the last 5 or 6 years, I figured I’d go hand over my obligatory 9
clams and see how much hamsexiness I could find…

No Hamfest is complete with out a hamabout being driven by a lumberjack.

Ham radio badges – like being a cop, without the commitment or the need to be able to run.

Dave and Indiana’s finest

Just what every ham wishes he could find at their local hamfest: the Avon lady!


Notice the lack of crowds around this booth? They stole our idea from Dayton 2005 – our lawyers will be in contact.

Nothing says “HAMFEST” more than handicrafts. Letting the XYL browse the handicrafts or soap I suppose is a better than the usual alternative of locking her in the car.

For your local ARES chapter’s marine unit.

THanks for the photos, Dave!!!

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7 Responses to Rochester Hamfest

  1. va3igd says:

    Nice Pics,
    I could figure out something to do with Indiana’s finest, some soap and a inflatable boat during an ARES fake emergency test.
    I am impressed that all these come together in one location.
    We could use an inflatable up here in Canadia for the Toronto ARES Marine Unit as well.
    Does it come with rechargeable batteries??

  2. Kramer says:

    Holy Sheep Shit Batman!! That chick is to hot for Dave.
    She’s a hottie, but Dave’s big azz head and Chicklet Toothed grin make for a bad picture.

  3. Kramer says:

    One more thing folks! Is it just me or dose dave look like Skeletor?

  4. VE3HBD says:

    Who the hell are you? If you are going to insult someone, at least be a man and don’t hide behind some alias.  What have you done for hamsexy lately?

  5. k2thz says:

    Hey, I watched that cartoon growing up, so I guess I can take looking like Skeletor as a compliment. He was pretty badass. But chicklets? Come on! At least go for a modern brand of gum – Dentyne Ice maybe??

    On second thought, just STFU and be happy that I (unlike many hams) actually brush my teeth and have a full set of them.

  6. VE3HBD says:

    He’s right.. compared to other hams on here, the guy’s freakin’ Fabio!!

  7. 2112 says:

    I think it’s great that Uncle Jesse paid a visit to the Avon lady. Maybe he got some beard conditioner…

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