And from the complaint department:

Surprisingly, we get relativley little hate mail. When we do, though – it’s usually from people who have more balls behind the keyboard than in real life. This letter came to us from someone who felt pissed off enough to write us, but didn’t feel he needed to leave us his name or callsign. Here’s his message – nothing too serious, yet another person who lets the idea of Hamsexy go about 10 feet over their heads.


I have to say that I am very disappointed in the content of your site. [Uh oh… This letter isn’t starting off well] While I agree that hams tend to be old, fat, beer bellied guys and that in general the image of hams need to be cleaned up, I also see why the ARRL does not promote your site as well as other ham organizations. [We never expected or wanted the ARRL to promote us… Where did you get that idea?]

Comments in poor taste, porn pictures in the posts, and this is from the sysops of the site as well? Come on. What is that about? [You are either an old man, or 15 years old. I think the latter. Either way, I’m betting you’ve never been popular] If I want to see that kind of crap I can go to plenty of other sites. [Then do it!] You guys live in a denial if you think that anyone that would run a site such as yours, [But we do run a site such as this.. oh wait, there’s more] thinks that you somehow have a better image than some of the other hams you poke fun at. If you guys want to improve the image of hams then clean up the site and make a solid image of hams for people to see but as it stands now [If you’re still reading at this point, this sure is one FUCKING long sentence] I won’t be re-visiting your site again and I agree also and will be an active participant in siding with the ARRL’s view that your site is anti-ham [I think you should get rid of that Yugoslavian keyboard… you know, the one without any punctuation keys…] and does nothing for hams but give us more of a bad rep in the public’s view. ,b>[WOW! That was a long one! Whew!] If you want to change something for the better you need to be part of the solution – NOT be part of the problem. [Some of our site’s biggest supporters come from the ARRL – we got lots of ARRL officials visiting our booth at Dayton, telling us that they love the site. And I’m not sure what you’re talking about… the ARRL has never even MENTIONED our site in any official publications, much less expressed an opinion about it. I guess you’re assuming that the collective ARRL are as big of a prude as you are.]

Thanks for putting another blotch on hams for us to over come in thepublic’s viewpoint. [You’re welcome!] I sincerely hope that the Hamsexy site changes for the better in the future. [So do we, just not in any way that you’d agree with] You can poke fun at our ham weirdness, clean up the ham image, and have fun with out questionable content and just all out poor taste. [Thanks for the permission] Your site does have a lot of potential to make the Ham Radio image
better. [No it doesn’t] I sincerely wish all you guys at Hamsexy the best and hope that I will be able to support you in the future. [Trust me, we will never see eye to eye]

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9 Responses to And from the complaint department:

  1. K8YS says:

    When you get off the school bus today, and read this, remember that the INTERNET IS NOT HAM RADIO. The Internet is THE INTERNET…

  2. va3igd says:

    Hmmm,only amateur operators can improve their image.
    Hamsexy is an amusing look at the collective image.
    Without the whackers, it could get boring.

  3. Credicon says:

    I find this interesting…
    “If I want to see that kind of crap I can go to plenty of other sites.”
    this is almost like he is writing this on another site/forum as a hate post/review on hamsexy… because in theory hamsexy is one of those other sites he could go and visit, and if he is able to post about it, he must have come and visited.

  4. Lenny says:

    I think he got caught looking at the site and was forced by his (Mommie, Wife, Elmer) to write the letter. I believe he secretly likes the site.

    As far as improving the image of ham radio, it seems that more than a few times, people have thanked the site for bringing their own personal Hamsexiness to their attention. Those people seemed gratefull and have made an attempt to improve the image of ham radio, is little ways.

    Consider that this is from folks who admit, in writing, to being Hamsexy. Think of the countless others that have been helped but have not openly admitted to being just a little Hamsexy.

    As this site is ever changing, I say to the author of the letter, come back again sometime. You may find something you like and have a little fun.

    If not, please post your picture so we can photoshop it and ridicule you. (joking)


  5. SixMeterSexy says:

    Anton Chekhov once said, “The more refined one is, the more unhappy.”

    See, this is a “happy” website, that realizes that true wit begins with laughing at one’s self.


  6. WA3RDM says:


    I have thought long, and deliberated for seconds before I have come up with a response to “no-name, nocall”.

    BLOW ME.

  7. KC9ECI says:

    At least he was cordial and fairly polite with his complaint and thats a lot more that many people who complain about this site are as they tend to get aggressive and hostile and take the site for way more than what its worth and then they let it get under their skin and its not worth getting all bent out of shape like that and I bet you didnt know how many times I had to go back and delete punctuation while I typed this that I put in out of sheer force of habit do you but back on topic hey no name come on back in a few years when you are old enough to legally buy beer and see if you have a differnt opionin buh bye for now.

  8. alex says:

    Hamsexy is the Howard Stern of ham radio. It’s like they said in Private Parts while reviewing Howards standings: “The average stern lover listens for 30-60 minutes. The average stern hater listens for over 3 hours. The most common reason why? They just want to see what he is going to say next” (that’s not a direct quote, but should make my point.

    This site is great, and I think that this person probably suffers from the same – I just want to see what they are going to do next…

  9. ad4xe says:

    What year is the guy who wrote this letter living in, 1950?? I am surprised you even posted his comments, he did not have the balls to give his name or call sign so I would have said screw you and just let if at that.

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