Tampa Bay Hamfest

Friend of the site and Hamfest correspondent Johnny Galaga sent us a whole mess of photos from the Tampa Bay Hamfest, home of Hamsexy on the Florida Gulf Coast.

He sent us so many great photos, we’ll stretch them across a few messages. (click on ’em to see the bigger versions). Enjoy!

If any schoolbuses are missing any hazard triangles, I think I found them….

We blurred out his callsign, but those are ARRL Callsign suspenders he’s wearing.
Where can I get a pair?

God knows, if Ham Radio needs anything, it’s more “Extra Classy” badges.

Hamsexy Van – Florida style

Every Cherokee’s worst nightmare. “Unit 82.. Unit 82… Conversation
with attractive female in progress. Need guidance. Over”

Hamsexy.com completely summed up in one photo –
Pimped-out ARES responder vehicle with Handicap parking permit.

I don’t know why a AAA membership sticker on an ARES
whackermobile strikes me as absolutely hilarious, but it
does. Check out the bumper stickers.

More photos later!!

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15 Responses to Tampa Bay Hamfest

  1. n0xmz says:

    Sweeeet! And what’s up with those tied-down antennas? Don’t they realize that tying down an antenna will totally de-tune it? I guess they could alway untie it in the event they actually use it but even still, such bending can damage the antenna and/or mounting hardware.

  2. va3igd says:

    Wow, Looks like the handicapped are now operating the “Emergency Services”.
    What will they think of next??

  3. Skywarn_Stalemate says:

    The handicapped can work Emergency Services, although this is ARES we are talking about. How much mobility does it take to sit in that Cherokee and relay welfare traffic.

  4. Administrator says:

    Skywarn_Stalemate, et al:

    You are correct, but I believe that the kind of “Handicapped” that PZ was referring to was the same kind that use mobility scooters at Hamfests (callsign suspenders…?)

    And he’s not talking about bone fide “Emergency Services” per sey, we’re talking about ARES.

  5. richard says:

    I have a call sign badge from the Sign Man, and I will say that they definitely are “Extra-Classy.”

  6. n9avy says:

    That vehicle needs an all-terrain Hamabout on a trailer for the perfect Hamsexy picture !

  7. 91004 says:

    And here is a picture of the owner of the N1GY “Emergency Services” Vehicle. Man…… You have to follow him around just to resue him!!

  8. Skywarn_Stalemate says:

    Is that a siren speaker on the pushbar? Why?

  9. kb9khf says:

    I have to say I love the tow bar attachment points on the factory sheet metal bumper.

  10. kitn1mcc says:

    the Van is not that bad . i would say.

    but whats up with that POS 900 on the jeep

  11. va3igd says:

    Maybe there should be laws against impersonating emergency personnel!
    We sure could use one here in Canadia, we have more than our fair share of whackers.
    Security personnel are looking too much like police, they should be charged with impersonation, because of their whacker uniforms, whacker vehicles and their lack of real training, it really shows.
    Amateur radio operators, that think they are something more than just a public person, because they carry radios and have an AMATEUR licence, should be charged with impersonating a real professional emergency personnel and forced to stop.
    Until there are laws against whackerism, or someone dies because of it, we will have to put up with their crap I guess.
    Perhaps there should be a whacker of the year contest or something like American Whacker or Canadian Whacker, sort of a satire of the Idol thing.
    I definitely know of a few in the Toronto area that would qualify.

  12. Skywarn_Stalemate says:

    This from the same country that bore the Kids in the Hall?

  13. KC9ECI says:

    KitH was some funny poo.

  14. va3igd says:

    The Kids in the Hall had some humour!

  15. HighlanderST says:

    I count TWO traffic director flashlights.

    I’m surprised he doesn’t have traffic cones or a few sawhorse barricades in the back.

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