Enabling the younger generation….

Perhaps if they want to get into “Law”, they should maybe pay for them to go to Law School (or at least a Police Foundations course…)

(submitted by anonymous, from QTH.com):

Hello Looking for HELP .Iam an Retired Police Officer Of 33++ years I
am in Florida .in an small Town .I have got some Teens togeather .They
would like to GO INTO LAW .I bought an older city police car .An also went
to an Police Auction an bought an Radio to put in the car .The Radio is an
(Ericsson GE model TMX-8810) I can find anyone that will PROGRAM it for me
.is there anyone( OUT THERE THAT COULD HELP ME) I have been in Radios for
over 40+ years .Just trying to HELP some TEEN .I will be Glad to PAY .This
is ALL on ME .Everyone Tells me the RADIO is to OLD (like me).Iam just
trying to PASS on something to TODAY KIDS( TEENS ) I Thank you for any
HELP .MY ALL OF YOU AN YOURS BE HAPPY AN SAFE Larry .ps My first Call sign
was 12W3087 BACK in 58 AGAIN THANK YOU
Listing #558284 – Submitted on 10/16/06 by Callsign NONE

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9 Responses to Enabling the younger generation….

  1. KD8CPP says:

    Very nice English!

  2. rabidjade says:

    I see this as a wannabe trying to cover his true intentions.

  3. n3jfw says:

    my whackometer needle just pinned out

  4. tvsjr says:

    Wannabe? I was thinking child molestor…

  5. k9ekg says:


  6. VE3HBD says:

    TVSJR: I was thinking the EXACT same thing….! I just didnt’ want to declare it on the site.

  7. n3jfw says:


    If it really is an old guy, then yeah he’s trolling for ass.

  8. k2thz says:

    I wonder if he TALKS like that in REAL life, too? (It would be kinda amusing, for about 10 seconds, to see someone randomly yell every 6th or 7th word in their sentences). For that matter, I imagine it would be really hard to write police reports for 33 years straight while confusing things like “singular versus plural”, “present versus past tense” and “noun versus verb”…

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